Industry Educator Exchange with Drew Marine

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Link to our registration form for our next Industry Educator Exchange will be a virtual event on February 6, 2021 from 9-11am with Katelyn Hasme (VP of Research and Development) at Drew Marine!

BioPath aims to advance educational and career outcomes for students in the Bioscience industry. We define Bioscience as inclusive of biology, computer science, math, and chemistry + physics. With support from the New Haven Innovation Collaborative and CT Next, we will be developing and launching a professional development series for educators.
The goals of the BioPath Skills Academy for Educators are 4-fold:
1) improve educator (and student) awareness of what local bioscience companies do
2) forge connections between educators and industry representatives
3) learn about what BioPath could do maximize our impact and support educators in terms of advancing their teaching and learning
4) provide a platform (and equipment) to train and support educators seeking to develop/implement instruction aligned with skills/knowledge that local bioscience companies are seeking from graduates
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