Completing an internship in a students’ field of study sets them apart from other students whose only discipline-related experiences were classroom- or academic laboratory-based. Employers prefer students who have experiential education (which includes internships) are more productive and better prepared for on-the-job challenges. Additionally, internships are a meaningful step in terms of building a stronger network among additional local employers and your peers, many of whom are likely to stay in the state (and the New Haven area) after graduation.

Fun fact: companies polled as part of our 2016 and 2020 Bioscience Industry Needs Assessment, 75% of companies hire their interns!

How the BioPath Internship and Early Career program works

BioPath is an amazing resource for students in STEM and Bioscience. Each year, we help over 100 students obtain internships and jobs, and we can help you:

  1. Reach out to and meet with a member of our team (
  2. We will keep your resume on file and, if relevant opportunities come available that you are qualified to apply for (i.e., academic proficiency and skill acquisition), we will also help you update your resume & cover letter to meet the internship/job description
  3. You submit your applications to companies directly (we also follow-up on the back-end as we connect directly with a number of employer partners to advocate on your behalf)
  4. When you get an interview scheduled we can help you with the interview prepare – email us to schedule a time

Qualifications for most internship and employment opportunities in STEM and Life Science

We recommend that students have a strong GPA in their subject area, an updated resume with relevant experience and skills in BioScience and STEM, a great work ethic and passion for continuous learning!

What if I am not qualified? OR I don’t know if I am ready for this.

Maybe you aren’t ready. YET. Don’t be discouraged – let us help get you on the path to your goals! Feel free to contact any of the BioPath team to help you along the process or just have a quick chat to understand your options.


Need Help?

Schedule a Meeting with BioPath Staff